Awake my soul.
Polish the armor of God and put it on.
A brilliant light reflecting in the face of the enemy; disease.
Equipped for ministry, carrying "The Word."
Stretching out "His hands" that others might be healed...
Awake my soul to do the work,
The Lord has given us to do...
Awake my soul,
And put on the passion of Christ the Healer
To look into the eyes of the suffering
Bringing hope, peace and love to the wounded.
Fanning the flame of revival
Pointing souls to the Great Physician
Awake my soul to do the work
The Lord has given us to do...
Oh God awaken my soul
To do what you want me to do
In your Holy Name
Awake my soul to do the work
The Lord has given us to do...
Amen, Amen and again I say Amen.
~Nigel Mumford+
Healing Grace and Peace be with you, Fr. Nigel+