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About By His Wounds Ministries

Dear Souls,


Led by the Lord, and by HIS guidance, Lynn and I felt we needed to move “among the people” to become a mission or outreach for churches, and  help establish healing ministries in individual churches, to encourage and support prayer ministers.


In faith, we created By His Wounds, Inc. in 2013. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization;   A resource for the church, to continue to build the Healing Ministry, nationally and internationally, “Preaching the Kingdom and Healing the Sick” Luke 9:2.


In addition, we continue with our ongoing ministry for war-zone veterans. the WELCOME HOME INITIATIVE® services is a program for men and women who have served our country, and may be suffering in varying degrees of post trauma stress or moral/soul injury. 


I am privileged to be Priest Associate at Galilee Church here in Virginia Beach VA, leading healing services, mentoring and supporting the Healing Prayer Ministry..

We very much appreciate your prayers and financial support as we follow the path the LORD has presented to us in this ministry.


May Christ continue to bring healing into your life and to those for whom you pray.

Gratefully yours, in the healing love of Jesus Christ,


The Reverend Nigel & Lynn Mumford 

Our Objective

  • To offer a quiet and gentle ministry totally immersed in our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Focus on physical, emotional, spiritual, generational, and trauma healing, for the individual and for the church.

  • Use humor as an essential ingredient in the process of healing.

  • To bring the “Word” and promise of healing to the Church.

  • To resurrect “The Forgotten Touch” of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • To pray for healing: for the Armed Forces, First Responders, and those suffering from Trauma (PTS).

Ecumenical Healing
Welcome Home Initiative
Keynote Speaking
Me and Nigel (6).jpg

To be focused on the teachings of Jesus Christ
as He taught in Luke 9:2:  

“Preach the Kingdom and heal the sick”

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