1 min readTHE DIVINE DESIGN of GODDIVINE DESIGN Your mind, heart and body Carry Your soul. Such is the divine design. Your mind, heart and body will Eventually cease. Your...
1 min readA PRAYER PRESCRIPTION A prayer prescription... take twice daily, very very slowly. Based on Psalm 46:10 Be blessed Fr. Nigel+ Be Be still Be still and Be still...
1 min readON BEING CONTENT BE CONTENT... Is being content a natural state of mind and well being for you? Paul writes that he had to learn to be content and...
2 min readTHE CAPE HENRY PRIMORDIAL GROAN a poem The Cape Henry Primordial Groan By Fr. Nigel Mumford+ I was sitting in my decliner Drinking my tea I looked at the dog... Duncan looked...
1 min readGOSSIP a reflection When people say something It usually means they want to be heard.. If you are not part of the problem or part of the solution It’s could...
1 min readLAZARUS a limerick There once was a man called Lazarus, Who took a walk to Nazareth, He picked up an illness That gave him a stillness That Christ drew out...